Collection: Habitats

The Cricket Cage is a Cricket Habitat available as a Cricket Keeper for maintaining up to 1,000 large or 2,000 medium banded crickets. 

The Complete Cricket Cage System includes the Cricket Cage plus everything necessary for a banded cricket’s 90 day average lifecycle. 

Having the appropriate Cricket Habitat and supplies will extend your purchased feeder cricket's life to their greatest potential.  Banded Crickets typically live for 90 days from hatching! Getting more life out of the crickets you purchase will allow you to buy larger quantities at lower rates less often and save big on shipping costs.

Whether your banded crickets are shipped to you or picked up at our urban cricket farm, you can expect that your crickets to survive for over a week with just an water source.  An ideal water sources would be potatoes or carrots.  You would need to replace these vegetables every two days. Other water sources would include a wet sponge or paper towel in a shallow container of water.

Want your crickets to last longer than this?  Consider purchasing some of the following items: